Thursday 30 May 2019

My relationship with Technology

I had the idea to write something related to my favourite piece of technology, but although i tried a lot, i can`t find one.

what`s wrong with me? you`ll be wondering...

After a few minutes thinking, i thought that the reason why i can`t find my favourite piece of technology , it`s because in nowadays exists so many technological objects, and son variegated, that my brain gets lost in  the infinitive sea of technological world we`re living, betwen a lots of breakthroughts wiches have become so daily that raise awareness them means the most difficult work for my mind, or maybe i feel overwhelmed and i can`t stand technological pieces... I don`t know.
Resultado de imagen para agitador vortex gif

WOW, I GET IT! I think i have a favourite tech object, it is called VORTEX SHAKER, and the first time i used it was at the biochemistry introduction laboratory, subject wich i toke this semester. This magnificent invention allows to shake solutions so fast that creates a vacuum, named vortex, and i use it whenever i can (at the lab class obviously), to mix the components of the solutions until it gets as homogeneous as possible. I really like it because the shake feels like a very nice vibration in my hand and arm.

Friday 24 May 2019

What i wanna be

Hi, it`s me again, and i want you to know a little bit more about my likings, interests and decisions around my short life, my job expectations and what i want to become...
When i was a child i dreamed of to be an astronaut, i always was planning my future life with my twin brother Diego, he wanted to be an  astronomer and we would work together, in U.S.A. living in a mansion with my family and his one together.

Now the panorama is such a big difference...

Since i was in fourth year of highschool (here in Chile, we say second year of middle education) i knew i`d like to study biochemistry, but when i was on the last year of highschool, i thought that dedicate my brain to just one area (natural sciences in this case) is not what i want for my life, even if is just for five or six years (the career duration) or even if i dedicate rest of my time in other things (like going to the theater, painting, training artistic gymnastics, as i did while i was at the school), so i decided to enter in the Programa Académico de Bachillerato (of the Universidad de Chile) to have many differents knowledges of the human world, expand my intellectual experiences, meet another area that i would like (although i was "sure" i wanted biochemistry) and to confirm that biochemistry was what i wanted to study. Unfortunately for me, i fall in love with maths, i love it! During a little time i hated being in Bachillerato because it show me the math`s world and i would have preferred biochemistry as my only studies option.

Resultado de imagen para encrucijada

But now i think different, i pretend finish biochemistry studies (until doctorate minimum) and dedicate my time to work on investigation, that's my favourite thing of science, build new knowledges, uncover lots of things, i really imagine myself all day at the laboratory and traveling a lot because is very important for a scientist make a big net of persons and contacts, i`ll  study math degree with the salary of my job, and i'd like to study all my life if i could.

Resultado de imagen para bioquimica
Resultado de imagen para matematicas