Thursday 25 July 2019

The Goodbye

Meanwhile... hahaha

Hi guys, it`s me again! This time I came here to say goodbye, at least for a few months, iido`t know... Who really knows? Maybe I`ll be writing posts frequently, because I discovered I like it a lot.

This post is about the evaluation my blog experience. So, let`s start!

First of all, I have to confess you that I remember I felt very scared, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little frustrated when the teacher told us (to me and my classmates) in the firts english lab class that we`ll have to create a personal blog and write posts about differentes themes he`ll give us as the course progressed, one post per week. Oh God! I just found it so intimidating, because since I was at school I didn't study English and mainly because everything that has to do with managing programs and computing get`s so difficult to me, so my first feelings/impressions about this dynamic: anxiety and difficult, I can say. How was I supposed to get out of this without major problems? I was wondering.

But now I see one more time how ridiculous I could be when I get carried away by my whine and catastrophic personality. Writting blog posts was so easy! How to manage the blog, give it a unique interface among other configurations were mere procedures that I was learning as I used the blog, becoming easier and easier, and although I think I have a lot to learn yet; I feel that the technological or computational part of manage a blog, wich scared me so much at the begining, has becoming into another small matter, I have it more than dominated.

Resultado de imagen para inglés escrito
In regards of my abilities to comnicate ideas in written English, I`m aware of how much they have developed, I`m so grateful to have this experience, I never had to write something in English (to be more precise, not at the level of blog dynamics), wich I find it so necesary and stimulating. I think this kind of things must be present sice the beginning when you start learning a language. I`d have liked a feedback (if is possible more personalized) for each post, on how to combine verb tenses well, knowing how to differentiate well between connectors (the use of in, at, on, for example), the use of some modal verbs, among others I can not remember now (honestly, I don`t know if that kind of skills are minimal for the subject, but I wold have liked it anyway).

CAN YOU SEE? I always get excited writing blogs and I lose the word count, which I exceeded again. So, without more to express, I say goodbye...


  1. you are a very good writer haha, you know how to express yourself very well through writing, I hope you upload bloggs during the little "holidays":)

    1. Thank you very much, I think you are a very good writer too :) Oh i just have one week for holidays :(

  2. That motivated haha but that's better. :DD

  3. I really love your posts, you express yourself in a way too cool!

    1. Thank you very much, i like ypur posts too <3
